Emergency Preparedness

For managing accident scenes, disaster sites, and other situations, emergency preparedness equipment and supplies are utilized to equip reaction teams and set up temporary shelters, medical units, and command centers. Sanitation stations are created with decontamination baths and accessories for accident cleanups, rescues, and training exercises. Supplies and instruments often utilized at disaster areas are included in disaster survival kits. In isolated places, emergency communication devices enable for phone and data connection. During power outages or in outdoor places, emergency lightsticks provide illumination. First responders are provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) in emergency response kits. Flood barrier devices and sandbags keep floodwaters at bay and deflect them. At disaster zones, portable water storage equipment offers clean water. Storm shelters provide shelter from the elements. Temporary emergency shelters provide protection from the elements while also serving as a base of operations.
Blackout Buddy 5-1/2 H Flashlight

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